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❶ 求數字電路的簡介,要有中英文對照的


1、 組合邏輯電路
2、 時序邏輯電路

1、 同時具有算術運算和邏輯運算功能
2、 實現簡單,系統可靠
3、 集成度高,功能實現容易


Digital circuit definition:
Completes with the digital signal to the digital quantity carries onthe arithmetic operation and the logic operation electric circuit iscalled the digital circuit, or number system. Because it has the logicoperation and the logical processing function, therefore calls thenumeral logic circuit.

Numeral logic circuit classification (according to function minute):
1st, combinatory logic electric circuit
The abbreviation combination circuit, it becomes by the mostbasic logical gate electric circuit combination. The characteristicis: Output value only and then input value related, namely output onlyby then input value decision. The electric circuit has not rememberedthe function, the output condition changes along with the inputcondition change, is similar to the resistance electric circuit, likethe accumulator, the decoder, the encoder, the data selector and so onall belong to this kind.
2nd, succession logic circuit
The abbreviation sequence circuit, it is adds on the feedbacklogic return route by the most basic logical gate electric circuit (tooutput the electric circuit which input) or the component combinationbecomes, lies in the sequence circuit with the combination circuitessence difference to have the memory function. The sequence circuitcharacteristic is: The output not only was decided by then inputvalue, moreover also the and circuit past condition concerned. It issimilar to containing the stored energy part the inctance or theelectric capacity electric circuit, like electric circuit and so ontrigger, latch, counter, shift register, reservoir all is the sequencecircuit typical component.

Digital circuit characteristic:
1st, simultaneously has the arithmetic operation and the logicoperation function
The digital circuit is take the binary system logic algebra asmathematics foundation, the use binary numeral signal, both can carryon the arithmetic operation and to be able conveniently to carry onthe logic operation (with, or, non-, judgement, comparison, processingand so on), therefore extremely suits to application and so onoperation, comparison, memory, transmission, control, decision-making.
2nd, realization simple, the system is reliable
By binary system underlie numeral logic circuit, simplereliable, the accuracy is high.
3rd, integration rate high, the function realization is easy
Integration rate high, volume small, the power loss is low isone of digital circuit prominent merits. Electric circuit design,service, maintenance nimble convenient, along with the integratedcircuit technology high speed development, the numeral logic circuitintegration rate is more and more high, integrated circuit blockfunction along with small scale integration electric circuit (SSI),center scale integrated circuit (MSI), large scale integrated circuit(LSI), ultra large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) the developmentalso from the part level, the component level, the part level, theboard card level rises to the system level. The electric circuitdesign composition only must use some standards the integrated circuitblock unit connection to become. Also may use the programmableforeword logic array electric circuit regarding the non- standardspecial electric circuit, through programming method realization freelogic function.

Digital circuit application:
Digital circuit and numeral electronic technology widespreadapplication to science and technology each domain and so ontelevision, radar, correspondence, electronic accounting machine,automatic control, astronautics.

❷ 你能給我詳細介紹一下什麼是電路


❸ 請教一些課程的英文名,學工科的朋友進

1、計算機語言與程序設計基礎(C) computer language, basic C
2、電路 circuit
3、電力電子技術 electrical energy, electronics technology
4、電機與控制元件 electric motor, control components
5、自動控制原理 automation theory
6、數字電子技術 mathematical electronics technology
7、模擬電子技術 simulated electronics technology
8、機械設計基礎 mechanical design basic
9、資料庫技術與應用 statistical technology & application
10、多媒體技術與應用 multi-media technology & application
11、計算機軟體技術基礎 computer software basic technology
12、信號與線性系統 signal & circuit system

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❹ 什麼是電路


電路(英文:Electrical circuit)或稱電子迴路,是由電氣設備和元器件,按一定方式聯接起來,為電荷流通提供了路徑的總體,也叫電子線路或稱電氣迴路,簡稱網路或迴路。如電阻、電容、電感、二極體、三極體和開關等,構成的網路。



❺ 誰發明了電路那個人的英文名是什麼

集成電路的發明者是傑克·基爾比,英文名是Jack Kilby,和羅伯特·諾伊斯,英文名Robert Norton。

❻ 電路的英文單詞是什麼

electronic circuit

❼ 三極體跟晶閘管在電路圖中的分別用哪種簡圖來表示,英文名稱分別是什麼。

晶閘管就是可控硅,用「SCR」表示來源於英文「silicon controlled rectifier」 ;
二極體用「D」 表示,源於英文「diode「;
電阻用「R」 表示,源於英文「resistance「;
電阻用「C」 表示,源於英文「capacitance「等等。

❽ 蔡氏電路的蔡氏電路簡介

蔡氏電路(英語:Chua's circuit),一種簡單的非線性電子電路設計,它可以表現出標准回的混沌理論行為答。在1983年,由蔡少棠教授發表,當時他正在日本早稻田大學擔任訪問學者。這個電路的製作容易程度使它成為了一個無處不在的現實世界的混沌系統的例子,導致一些人聲明它是一個「混沌系統的典範」。



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