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發布時間:2022-01-20 11:18:30

Ⅰ PCB電路板哪家工廠比較好


Ⅱ 著急翻譯,請給予幫助-2

POLAR software:
Software sales engineers is scheled to recruitment, March 8 days of the registration of temporary company registration, not change his mind.
(1)below the circumstance is POLAR software:(South)
1 circuit plant or use of 20 or 25
2 use the circuit design of the software is about 80 in total
3 now use the POLAR software is 15
4 for Si series software in south China are very high utilization rate, the main problem is 80% are using pirated software, one of the most Si9000e pirated software. For Speedstack software, the main competitors are Inplan MEADVILLE, like MULTEK VIASYSTEMS, etc, are the use of PCB manufacturer Inplan.
(2) software instry customer survey has finished, almost all need to control impedance of PCB manufacturer are used in our software, in southern China, about 80. There are some intention basically mass (must use original), and the manufacturer of customers have bought we basically is main consideration of software, software upgrades or increase the Licence.
Due to some small scale of PCB manufacturer to save cost and choose and use their pirated software, the software version is earlier and cannot be upgraded. Thus the customer needs to strengthen such follow-up work, let the customer can proce professional DEMO about our latest version) points the functions and characteristics of the software, and let them know that our software can largely rece quote rate achieve saving cost.
Have all the YangDian road with shenzhen, foshan embellish, the science and technology, fujian fuqiang agreed on site software demonstration in April.
The customers have recently purchase intention:
Shennan Si8000m circuit, Enterprise - two, because + IM client before buying, so use has already started. Please purchase department directly, in conjunction with the department purchase subsequent contact me. Clinch a deal for the 2010 to date in May.
Si6000 2010 CITS25 and upgrade to Si8000m activities promoting condition:
The only VIASYSTEM this consideration, customer still in evaluation phase
Specific activities:
1 POLAR SEMINAR 2 DongGuan procts (yet) customers STH: guangdong area, OEM factory of PCB design company, the design and engineering personnel. Including the POLAR software has been buying clients.

POLAR 950:
(1) 950 for instry is mainly electronic EMS factory and PCB, most of the PCB board factory has been investigated. EMS, global electronics factory was established in China EMS many factories, such as shenzhen, zhuhai flextronics flextronics, huizhou huatong computer, computer, following a shunda LTD, the following day, shenzhen meier, shenzhen, guangzhou, utstarcom, such as Ericsson, is this a few several large group, then in different places with different factories or thrusters.
(2) now in south of PCB proction customer more than 200, but a lot of customers are not test the circuit, so you don't have the equipment in the south China area at 950. 8, also sold in shenzhen and guangzhou termbray JinBaoTong more interested, let we did in the past, if the company for demonstration, end preparation of budget. In work, we need to strengthen the EMS electronics instry, if the customer should follow the new plant construction in some new network. Through the factory, and similar related enterprises.
(3) strengthen the PCB instry and electronic instry, proce professional DEMO demonstrates the EMS network and enlarge proct promotion.
(4) to coordinate and implement the distributor price of end users, distributors to avoid conflict with his case. The price changes and update.

Ⅲ 深圳市眾陽電路科技有限公司怎麼樣


Ⅳ 金晟達電路怎麼樣對比牧泰萊,眾陽,迅捷興這些快板廠


Ⅳ 怎麼看充電寶實際




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