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發布時間:2021-02-21 13:41:36

㈠ 各國聖誕節習俗(英文版),誰能翻譯

Christmas traditions Westerners in red, green and white for Christmas, three colors Christmas comes every family to use color to decorate the Christmas. Red, The color is Christmas flower and Christmas candle. Green is the Christmas tree. It was Christmas decorations, with the main cutting of Chinese fir, This article is the evergreen tree cypress kind adornment. The lantern hanging above the colorful paper flowers, gifts and holy, also lit Christmas candle. The red and white sceneries is Santa Claus, Christmas is the most popular activities. In western children Christmas Eve before going to sleep in the fireplace, pillow or a sock next, waiting for Santa Claus to sleep in their gifts. After On the socks. In the west, Santa is also a custom.Christmas Allegedly, first appeared in the ancient tree in the middle of December, German missionary saturnalia the in the 8th century A.D. enshrined in longitudinal tree el nino. Subsequently, the germans on December 24, as Adam and eve put on holiday at home, in the garden of Eden "symbol" paradise, hanging on the tree represents the holy bread and cookies sin; symbol Also some candles, symbol of Christ. To the 16th century, Martin Luther King reformer, for a starry Christmas Eve, designed in a home decorate a candle. However, the origin of Christmas in the west of another kind of popular a kind of view: farmers, on Christmas day, enthusiastically hosted a homeless child, parting, children fold a branch in the child grow trees, branches immediately by this year for farmers, trees, on this gift to return your kindness. So, today people see tree always hung small gifts. The design of unloading). On the card is a noble family, three generations of a glass is not present came to congratulate friends. He was printed 1,000 printing, unused in each 1 schilling price sell. Christmas was born.Christmas song, Long-term since, have been popular Christmas song has three main one is the Christmas Eve, One is "listen, angels Caroling, The third is the "bell ding ding dong".Santa Claus Santa Claus original refers to the fourth century A.D. section when the bishop of Asia minor, he amiable. Nicholas His generosity is away. To the east, the 6th century saint Nicholas para-elite him. Due to the folk relevant The legend, are linked to young children and gift from Santa Claus will be dedicated in st Christmas gifts to kids kind old man. In the 18th century, through literature and painting, st Christmas man dressed in red coat graally become white beard, white eyebrows old image.Christmas The world's first Christmas in 1843 British Henry. High le jazz proposed by John Karl ge Christmas gifts According to the bible, the saints from the east in the church of the nativity gift, this is when Santa Claus for son tong gifts practices origin. British children in the stockings on Christmas Eve on the fireplace, believe in Santa Claus will be at night from the big chimney down, bring them to full socks gift. French children's shoes on the doorstep, "el nino, the gift on shoes inside."Christmas dinner As the Chinese Spring Festival, people eat year and Christmas are paying attention to the family sat under the tree, altogether Into the holiday meals. Christmas dinner eating Turkey custom began in 1620. This custom in America. The British Christmas dinner is kaoe, Instead of Turkey. Obama in Italy, who love peace on the whole night about friends last-borns flocked to the restaurant to eat a big Christmas Eat, among them, chicken, roast Turkey, wax cowboy meat and pig leg is indispensable, and accompanied by wines, eat all good cheer.

㈡ 貌似很難理解~~哪位高手能幫我翻譯一下!謝謝



㈢ homet和 family 的區別

home可作副詞,如go home(回家)
house則不行 可說back to one's house



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